Passage for Exercise-33

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below:

    The moon is a very familiar figure to all of us. She awakens a feeling of love and tenderness in our heart, which the sterner sun can hardly do. Even an infant in arms stresses its hands to grasp this beautiful thing, which has almost a friendly look about it. Nor is her appeal confined to children and child like people only. Ever since the stirring of the poetic faculty in man she has furnished a theme for poets and artists. The full moon and the crescent moon have played in the past and are still playing an important part in literature.

    But science has a different tale to tell us about the moon. It reveals to us that the moon has no light of her own. That soft silvery brightness which forms her principal charm to us, is borrowed chiefly from the light of the sun. Out of the vast flood of light which the sun pours forth, the moon grasps a little and of the little she reflects a small fraction to illuminate the earth. When, on a clear night, we look out on the magic of moonlight it is often difficult for us to realize that the moon is shining in borrowed feathers. A very simple observation, however, will suffice to show the truth of this. Look at the pale moon in day light, and she will seem like a dim ghost of her former self, hardly distinguishable from the clouds that close her. You will then understand her real poverty and that she has to depend for her light on the charity of the sun.


(a) What feeling does the moon awaken in our heart?
(b) Why is the moon favourite with the children?
(c) What do poets and artists get from the moon?
(d) What contribution does the moon offer to literature?
(e) Has the moon light of its own?
(f) From where does the moon get light?
(g) How do we know that the moon borrows its light from the sun?
(h) Construct sentences to show difference of meaning between (i) hard and hardy (ii) Principal and principle.
(i) Give the words from the passage which mean the following:
(a)To make known
(b) All writings including drama, poetry, essays etc.

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