Passage for Exercise-67

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below:

    We spent the summer in the hills, and on our annual journey to the foot-hills in November, at the end of a long fifteen mile march as we turned a sharp corner, one of a big troop of langurs jumped off the hillside and crossed the road a few inches in front of Robin’s nose. Disregarding my whistle, Robin dashed down the khudside after the langur, which promptly sought safety in a tree. The ground was open with a few trees here and there, and after going steeply down for thirty or forty yards flattened out for a few yards before going sharply down into the valley below. On the right hand side of this flat ground there were a few bushes, with a deep channel scoured out by rain-water running through them. Robin had hardly entered these bushes when he was out again, and with ears laid back and tail tucked in was running for his life, with an enormous leopard bounding after him and gaining on him at every bound. I was unarmed and all the assistance I could render was to shout ‘Ho’ and
“Har’ at the full extent of my lungs. The men carrying my sister’s dandy joined in lustily, the shouting reaching its climax, then the hundred or more langurs added their alarm-calls, in varying keys. For twenty five or thirty yards the desperate and unequal race continued and just as the leopard was within reach of Robin, it unaccountably swerved and disappeared into the valley while Robin circled round a shoulder of the hill and rejoined us on the road. Two very useful lessons Robin learned from his hairbreadth escape, which he never in after-life forgot. First, that it was dangerous to chase angurs, and second that the alarm-call ofa langur denoted the presence of a leopard.

(A) Select the correct alternative while answering. Just mention the number, you need not write full sentences:

(i) Jim Corbett had already marched; (a) ten miles (b) fifteen miles (c) twenty miles (d) twenty five miles.
(ii) Corbett’s dog (Robin) ignored the master’s whistle and chased  (a) a deer (b) a leopard (c) a langur (d) a tiger.
(iii) Robin was chased by: (a) a big bear (b) a leopard (c) a langur (d) a cobra
(iv) For self protection, Corbett was carrying: (a) a pop gun (b) a shot gun ic) arevolver (d) nothing.
(v) The leopard suddenly: (a) disappeared into the valley (b) jumped upon Corbett (c) jumped upon the dog (d) attacked the langur.

(B) Find the words from the passage meaning:—(i) yearly (ii) clump of shrubs (iii) drawn in (iv) vigorously..

(C) Find out whether the following statements are true or false. While answering mention the item number and just write T (=true) or F (=false) against each item:—

(a) It was summer when Corbett came down to the plains. 
(b) On one side of the flat ground where Corbett stood, there was a bed of running water. 
(c) There was thick forest around the flat ground where Corbett stood. 
(d) Corbett could save Robin from the leopard with the help of his gun. 
(e) The leopard left chasing Robin and. suddenly disappeared.

(D) Rearrange the following sentences in their proper order:-

(i) Corbett had no firearm and did not know what to do to gave his dog. 
(ii) A big leopard chased Robin coming out of the bushes. 
(iii) Robin dashed down the khudside after a langur.
(iv) A big troop of langurs coming down from: the hillside crossed the road in front of Robin.
(v) Corbett and the men carrying the dandy of his sister shouted loudly to scare away the leopard.

(E) Answer briefly the following questions:-

(i) What was the surrounding like where Corbett stood? 
(ii) Why did Robin rebound from the bush at once? 
(iii) How far did the leopard chase Robin? 
(iv)What assistance could Corbett render Robin when the leopard chased it? 
(v) What were the ‘two useful lessons learned by Robin from the experience.

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